- A Sky That Sings
- About
- Author
- Books by Anita Sanchez
- Contact Anita Sanchez
- Educator’s Guide: Leaflets Three, Let It Be!
- Hello, Puddle!
- In Praise of Poison Ivy
- Mr. Lincoln’s Chair: The Shakers and their Quest for Peace
- Save the Endangered Species
- Scat: The Incredible Science of Wildlife Poop
- Sitemap
- Teacher’s Guide to Invasion of Sandy Bay
- The Forest in the Sea
- The Invasion Of Sandy Bay
- The Monkey Trial
- The Teeth of the Lion: The Story of the Beloved and Despised Dandelion
- The Unmowed Blog
- Where to Buy Books
- For Educators
- Bio
- abisko national park
- activism
- adaptations
- adirondack hike
- adirondack wildflowers
- aerial rootlets
- aerial roots
- air alert
- air pollution
- air quality
- ambush bug
- American sycamore
- amphibian habitat
- amphibians
- amsterdam
- ancient trees
- Anglo-Saxon medical plants
- animals get poison ivy
- Appalachian Trail
- apples
- April Fool
- armistice day
- arrowhead
- asian elephants
- asters
- authors
- authors' homes and gardens
- Badlands National Park
- Badlands wildflowers
- ball gall
- balsam fir tea
- barn swallows
- Bateman's
- Bay of Fundy
- beach
- beautiful trees
- bee balm
- beech
- bees in spring
- bibliophile
- big trees
- bird bath
- bird feeders
- bird flocking behavior
- birds
- birds nest linings
- birds overwinter
- birdsfoot trefoil
- blog
- blue jay eat peanuts
- book about poison ivy
- book banning
- books
- box elder bugs
- Boyds Mills
- branches
- branching patterns
- bronte sisters
- bronx zoo
- bucket list
- Buddhist temple
- buds
- buds in winter
- bug zapper
- bumblebees
- burdock
- buttercup
- butterflies
- cacao pods
- cactus flowers
- california poppy
- california superbloom
- california wildflowers
- calling congress
- canadian wildlflowers
- cape ann massachusetts
- cardinal
- Carrot Barn
- catnip
- cats
- cattail fluff
- cattail seeds
- cedar
- celandine
- charlotte bronte
- Cherokee folklore
- chicory
- chocolate flower
- chocolate history
- christmas trees
- cicada
- cinnamon fern
- clean air
- Clear and Colder
- climate change
- climate skeptics
- clouds
- clover
- coffee substitute
- cold
- common dandelion
- common groundsel
- common milkweed
- competition
- coneflower
- contact representative
- coral reef
- cottonwood
- cough remedy folk medicine
- country roads
- crabgrass
- crayweed
- crocus
- cross creek
- crow census
- crow moon
- crow roosts
- crows
- cure snakebite
- daffodils
- daisy fleabane
- daisy love
- dames rocket
- dandelion
- dandelion close-up
- dandelion lore
- dandelion nutrition
- dandelion recipes
- dandelion roots
- dandelion vitamin C
- dandelion wine
- dandelions
- darkness
- day lily
- Daylight Savings end
- decomposers
- decomposition
- desert flowers
- diane hale smith
- disinformation
- disk flowers
- dog itchy
- dog on beach
- dogs get poison ivy
- eat poison ivy
- echinacea
- Edgar Allan Poe
- edible ferns
- edible plant
- edible plants
- edible wild plants
- edna st. vincent millay
- education
- emily bronte
- endangered
- ents
- environment
- european yew
- evergreen
- evergreen trees
- evergreens
- extremophiles
- fall leaves
- fall seeds
- family separation
- female cardinal
- fern fiddleheads
- fern reproduction
- fern seed
- ferns
- fiddleheads
- fir
- fireflies
- fireflies eat slugs
- firefly food chain
- floating mat of seaweed
- flower folklore
- flower quilts
- Flowerpot rocks
- flowers
- folklore
- food chains
- foraging
- forest faces
- Fourth of July
- fracking
- frog calls
- frog ears
- frog songs
- full moon
- full spring moon
- fungi
- funnel web spiders
- garden
- gardening history
- garlic mustard
- geranium
- geraniums imported from South Africa
- get out the vote
- get out the vote environment
- ghostly clouds
- giant tortoise
- gift of the magi
- glacier mice
- goldenrod
- goldenrod galls
- goldenrod hay fever
- goldenrod insects
- good luck to catch a falling leaf
- gorilla
- Grabrok Crater
- Grant's cottage
- Grant's Memoirs
- grape vine
- grass
- grass snake
- green snake
- Greenmarket
- groundhog day
- groundhog day history
- habitat
- hairy vine
- Halloween
- Harlem flowers
- harmful lawn pesticides
- haworth
- hay
- hay fever
- heal-all
- hedgerows
- herbal remedies
- herbal tea
- herman melville
- hickory tussock moth
- Highlights Foundation
- hobbit
- hobblebush
- holiday
- holiday decor
- holiday plants
- honey bee flowers
- honey locust
- honey locust thorns
- Hopewell Rocks
- Horton
- hot springs
- how daylight savings time affects us
- human-elephant conflict
- hummingbird candidiasis
- hummingbird feeders
- hummingbird feeders harmful
- hummingbird feeders mold
- hummingbirds
- hydrofracking
- ice storm
- Iceland glacier
- Iceland. Ring Road
- identify poison ivy
- in praise of poison ivy
- insect camouflage
- insects
- insects on oak
- insects use goldenrod
- Invasion of Sandy Bay
- invasive
- invasive plants
- invention of velcro
- inventions
- itch
- jamestown
- Jefferson gardener
- jewelweed
- John Adams
- katydid
- Laura Ingalls Wilder
- lawn
- lawn herbicides
- lawn pesticides
- lawns
- leaf color
- leaf fossils
- leaf miner
- leaves
- lemon grass
- lichen
- lichens
- Linnaeus
- literacy
- Little House on the Prairie
- living fence
- living history
- living snow fence
- living snowfence
- locust
- London plane tree
- lone tulip
- long shadows
- Long Winter
- love trumps hate
- lucky clover
- magic plants
- magnificent clouds
- marjorie kinnan rawlings
- may snow
- medicinal plants
- metasequoia
- microhabitat
- milkweed monarch butterflies
- milkweed seeds
- mint family
- mint tea
- misinformation
- moby dick
- mockingbird
- monarch decline
- monkey trial
- montana horses
- Monticello
- Monticello native plants
- moon in daytime
- mosher marsh
- mosquito control
- moss
- moths
- mowing
- mowing for wildlife
- mud
- mud puddle
- mud puddles
- mullein
- murals
- mushroom folklore
- mushrooms
- native American folklore
- native milkweed
- native plants
- nature
- nature crafts
- Naulakha
- nectar
- nectar flowers
- nectar plants
- nest building
- Netherlands
- new england aster
- New World plants
- new york botanical garden
- new york city
- non-native
- non-native plants. invasive plants
- nonfiction
- nontoxic
- november
- november leaves
- november robert frost
- ny
- o. henry
- oak acorns
- oak leaves
- oak trees
- oaks
- observing nature
- ocean
- october fog
- on the banks of plum creek
- open schools
- organic lawn
- organic lawns
- outdoor education
- outrage fatigue
- painted trillium
- pandemic
- parsonage
- periodical cicada
- pesticides
- pete seeger
- pete's tavern
- pets and poison ivy
- Philadelphia Zoo
- Photo
- picture books
- pigeons
- pine
- pinhole camera
- plant
- plant chemical defenses
- plant lore
- plant superstitions
- plant tree
- plant uses
- plantain
- plants at night
- plants confused with poison ivy
- plants for basket weaving
- plants for hummingbirds
- plants repel insects
- plastic harms wildlife
- Poe cottage
- poetry
- poison ivy
- poison ivy berries
- poison ivy flowers
- poison ivy history
- poison ivy honey
- poison ivy identification
- poison ivy immunity
- poison ivy poison ivy shiny
- poison ivy pollen
- poison ivy rash
- poison ivy remedy
- poison ivy roots
- poison ivy treatment
- poison ivy vine
- poison plants
- poison sumac
- pokeweed
- pokeweed berries
- pollination
- pollinators
- poppy
- potato famine
- prickly pear
- pride activism
- Puck of Pook's Hill
- puddles
- puddles for wildlife
- puddling
- pumpkins
- purple flower in center
- Queen Anne's Lace
- queen anne's lace seeds
- rabbit winter food
- rachel carson
- ragweed
- rain
- rainbow of flowers
- rainbow plants
- rally
- ramps
- Rapunzel ramps
- rash
- rattlesnake
- red cage fungus
- red dye in hummingbird feeders
- red leaflets
- red oak
- red osier
- red osier dogwood
- reforestation
- register voters
- resist
- road work
- roadside habitat
- Robert Frost
- Robert Louis Stevenson
- rock wall
- rock walls
- Rockport Massachusetts
- rockweed
- Rudyard Kipling
- Salem
- same-sex marriage
- samoa
- sargasso sea
- sargassum
- scavengers
- schoharie creek
- school election
- schools 2020
- science books
- Science for kids
- science outdoors
- scopes trial
- sea change
- seaweed
- seed
- seed dispersal
- seeds
- sensitive plant
- Sherwood Forest
- shiny leaves
- silent spring
- slugs
- snorkeling
- snorkelling
- snowdrifts on roads
- social media
- solstice
- spores
- spring 2020
- spring equinox
- spring flowers
- spring forest
- spring greens
- spring growth
- spring peeper
- spring poison ivy
- spring wildflowers
- spruce
- squirrels
- sri lanka
- sri lanka elephants
- Sri Lanka national parks
- st. john the divine
- st. johnswort
- staghorn sumac
- standing rock buffalo
- steepletop
- STEM books
- stinkhorn
- stolon
- stone wall
- stonework
- street art
- sub-alpine birch forest
- sumac history
- summer solstice
- sunflower seeds
- sunflowers
- superbloom
- Sweden
- swimming Schoharie Creek
- sydney harbor
- tadpoles
- teach evolution
- thin-leaved coneflower
- third monday in january
- thistles
- thorns
- tolkien
- tomato fruit
- tomato vegetable
- Tradescant
- tree faces
- trees
- trees in Central Park
- trees in winter
- tropical fish
- tropical fruit
- tulip farm
- tulip fields
- tulip history
- tulips
- turf
- Ulysses S. Grant
- unmowed
- unmowed authors
- urban crows
- urban trees
- urban wildflowers
- urushiol
- uses for plants
- Vailima
- velcro
- vernal equinox
- vernal pools
- Versailles
- vines in trees
- violet
- viper's bugloss
- virginia creeper vines
- vote blue
- voting
- vultures
- War of 1812 history
- wasps
- waybread
- weird shadows
- wells horton
- white pine
- wild carrot
- wild edibles
- wild grape
- wild grapes
- wild greens
- wild leeks
- wild mustard
- wild plums
- wild strawberry
- wild turkey
- wildflower meadow
- wildlife eat oak
- wildlife habitat
- willow trees
- winged victory
- winter bird plants
- winter doldrums
- winter food for birds
- winter meadow
- winter sky
- winter solstice
- winter trees
- winter weeds
- winter wildlife
- witch hazel
- witch history
- witchcraft
- women's march on washington
- wood sorrel
- woodchuck hibernate
- world environment day
- world war 1
- world war one journal
- yellow wood sorrel
- Yellowstone national Park
- yew
- yorkshire
- Anita Sanchez (395)
- devanita (4)