Unmowed Blog

A Close Encounter of the Wasp Kind

Posted by on Aug 7, 2024 in Unmowed Blog | 1 comment

A Close Encounter of the Wasp Kind

We’re never going to be best friends, the wasp and I, but we don’t have to be enemies, either. We’re just neighbors.

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Love Nature? Take a Hike to the Ballot Box.

Posted by on Aug 6, 2024 in Unmowed Blog | 1 comment

Love Nature? Take a Hike to the Ballot Box.

We can win by saving what we love instead of fighting what we hate. So many of us are deeply moved by nature, and find peace and solace there. Yet few people make the connection between the relaxing beauties of nature and the hard work of voting. In the terrified aftermath of November 2016, as we faced the reality that yes, Donald Trump had really been elected President of the United States, a certain poem often cropped up in my Facebook feed. It’s called The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry, and in those unsettling times many people turned to it for support, and still do. When despair...

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Come to the Table–and Get Out the Vote

Posted by on Jun 16, 2024 in Unmowed Blog | 0 comments

Come to the Table–and Get Out the Vote

Pride month is a prime opportunity to register Democrats, especially young people who may not have realized what’s at stake in this election. Everything.

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A Shallow Dive into Vernal Pools

Posted by on May 4, 2024 in Unmowed Blog | 0 comments

A Shallow Dive into Vernal Pools

Even the tiniest vernal pool is a perfect nursery for amphibian babies. The pools provide the essential moisture that amphibian eggs need to develop.

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Poisoning the Bird Feeders: Dandelions and Pesticides

Posted by on May 1, 2024 in Unmowed Blog | 1 comment

Poisoning the Bird Feeders: Dandelions and Pesticides

Reframing dandelions as bird feeders gives us one more reason to endure them–even welcome them!– instead of exterminating them. One more reason to avoid poisoning the lawn.

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Harvesting Beauty: Tulip-Watching

Posted by on Apr 29, 2024 in Unmowed Blog | 1 comment

Harvesting Beauty: Tulip-Watching

Every spring, the quiet Dutch landscape goes crazy, flat-out van Gogh insane with color. Stripes of gold, magenta, lemon, crimson, lined up to the horizon.

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